[Hac-announce] Publicity Workshop with Fred Edwords

Dan Blinn danblinn at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 10:43:23 EDT 2012

The Connecticut Coalition of Secular Organizations (of which The Humanist
Association of CT is a member) will be hosting a Publicity Workshop for
members of secular organizations throughout Connecticut, on Saturday, Nov.
3 at 1:30 pm at the Unitarian Society of New Haven.  Fred Edwords,
Executive Director of the United Coalition for Reason, will be conducting
the workshop.  The workshop will address writing letters to the editor,
working with the media, and speaking publicly regarding secular issues.
 All HAC members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

We will not be having a Humanist Conversations event in November so that
our members can participate in the workshop.

If you plan to attend, please respond at our Meetup
page<http://www.meetup.com/cthumanist/events/88044072/>so that we have
an idea on how many will be coming.
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