[Hac-announce] Hartford Area Humanist Events of Interest

Dan Blinn danblinn at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 08:07:22 EDT 2015

There are several events planned this month by Hartford Area Humanists that
may be of interest to HAC Members.

*The Humanist Dinner Club*: The Humanist Dinner Club is a new monthly
program for those interested in deeper discussions of the Humanist
lifestance. We currently have two "seatings" for our first discussion: one
on Thursday, March 12 in Glastonbury
<http://www.meetup.com/Hartford-Humanists/events/220785300/> and the second
on Wednesday, March 19 in Rocky Hill
<http://www.meetup.com/Hartford-Humanists/events/220995790/>.  Seating is
limited to 8 individuals for each event, and participants must RSVP via the
HAH Meetup Page <http://www.meetup.com/Hartford-Humanists/>.  Participants
are also urged to do some preparation for the meeting (less than an hour),
as described in the event description.  HAC Members are welcome to attend.

*Carpool and Lunch to Book Discussion*: Hartford Area Humanists sometimes
meetup in Rocky Hill and then carpool to HAC or Yale Humanist Community
events. We are planning to meet on Saturday, March 21 at 12:30 pm for a
quick pizza lunch and carpool to the HAH Book Discussion
<http://www.meetup.com/cthumanist/events/220705792/> of Waking Up by Sam
Harris. Anyone wishing to join us is encouraged to RSVP on the event Meetup
Page. <http://www.meetup.com/Hartford-Humanists/events/220707600/>

*Training the Brain for Compassion*: Our monthly meetings are on the fourth
Tuesday at the Wood 'N Tap in Rocky HIll. Most meetings feature a guest
speaker, and on March 24, we will be welcoming Central Connecticut State
University Assoc. Professor Emiritus Jim Malley, who will discuss the
mindfulness movement and its neurobiological underpinnings. HAC Members
were welcome to attend and are encouraged to RSVP at the event Meetup Page
<http://www.meetup.com/Hartford-Humanists/events/220263271/>, which provide

New Haven area Humanists are encouraged to carpool to our Hartford area
events! Those interested in arranging rides should indicate their interest
in the "Conversation" area immediately below the Meetup descriptions.
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