[Hac-announce] USNH - The Doctrine of Discovery - A Discussion

PJ Deak phungis at comcast.net
Sun Nov 17 08:26:35 EST 2013

Rich & Carroll, 
Could you include this blurb and attachment on the HAC Announcements List Serve? 
---P.J. Deak 

The Doctrine of WHAT ? 

Join us for a discussion of the Doctrine of Discovery , Indigenous Peoples Rights, Unitarian Universalism … and YOU! 		

Sunday, November 24 th @1:00pm 

In the USNH Library - 700 Hartford Tpk. Hamden 

Find out how this issue relates to Racism, Immigration, Environmental Justice & UU and Humanist Values. 

Sponsored by The USNH Adult Religious Education Committee 

Coordinated by P.J. Deak 	

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