[Hac-announce] Fwd: Joe Bageant Materials

Dan Blinn danblinn at gmail.com
Tue May 21 10:15:48 EDT 2013

Here are some additional materials that folks might want to read prior to Saturday's discussion of "Deer Hunting With Jesus"

Begin forwarded message:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kvngough <kvngough at aol.com>
> To: danblinn <danblinn at gmail.com>
> Sent: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 7:48 pm
> Subject: Joe Bageant Materials
> Dan,
> For the discussion of "Deer Hunting with Jesus," here are some additional materials to distribute to the group:
> Joe Bageant's website (www.joebageant.com) is still active following his death in 2011. Here's the self-bio on the site:
> About Joe
> Born 1946 in Winchester VA, USA. US Navy Vietnam era veteran.
> After stint in Navy became anti-war hippie, ran off to the West Coast ... lived in communes, hippie school buses... started writing about holy men, countercultural figures, rock stars and the American scene in 1971 ... lived in Boulder Colorado until mid 1980s ... 14 years in all ... became a Marxist and a half-assed Buddhist ... Traveled to Central America to write about third World issues...
> Moved to the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation in Idaho, built a cabin, lived without electricity, farmed with horses for seven years ... tended reservation bar (The Bald Eagle Bar), wrote for regional newspapers... generally festered on life in America ... Moved to Moscow, Idaho, worked on third rate newspaper there ... Then moved to Eugene Oregon, worked for an international magazine corporation pushing insecticides and pesticides to farmers worldwide.
> Then back to hometown of Winchester VA to settle some scores with the bigoted, murderous redneck town I grew up in. I love'em but they need a good ass kicking.
> Died in 2000 when George Bush got elected ... died along with 275 million other Americans ... Plan to rise again from the dead when he is tossed out ...maybe reincarnate as a Commie terrorist on Wall Street ... maybe as a sex worker in Amsterdam ... can't decide ... both have their advantages.
> Joe Bageant
> (He actually died of cancer in early 2011. Here's a good eulogy from Morris Berman: http://www.joebageant.com/joe/2011/05/extreme-isolation.html#more)
> My favorite Joe Bageant podcast is the one with George Kenney at Electric Politics here:
> http://www.electricpolitics.com/podcast/2007/07/reivers_redress.html
> The C-Realm interview is also good (http://c-realm.com/podcasts/crealm/149-a-chemical-season-of-the-mind/); the best part is Bageant's great phrase "the Stockholm syndrome of the soul:"
> "But everybody is a willing prisoner. That's why I say it's a Stockholm syndrome of the soul. They're willing prisoners, they identify with their captors. Capitalism is an extractive process. It's a faceless machine that exists for one reason: to extract from you production and profit."
> Here' Bageant's essay on this, delivered as a college address in 2009:
> http://www.joebageant.com/joe/2009/04/escape-from-the-zombie-food-court.html
> Kevin
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